Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Today Mom, Becky and I were sitting outback talking as the kids were playing in the pool. (a $7.99 Reams special. I don't care what you say I love that store!) After maybe two hours the kids got tired of the water and went inside to find further adventures. Mom never used to let us inside while we were wet. Further proof that she has grown soft over the years. We were still sitting out back talking.
After about 10 min Becky looks inside and notices that Lilly has gotten the Parkay Butter spray and is spraying it into Tommy's, Billy's and her mouth. We cracked up! Mostly because it's not like they have ever seen anyone in our family ever do this and Becky's kids could do with the fat. If only it wasn't reduced fat!!
We thought it was hilarious, it made our day!

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