Thursday, November 27, 2008 has been too long

So I haven't updated the family blog for a while. Oops. Life just go busy and then I started to feel bad because I started my own blog and if I have enough time to write there I should have enough time to write here.

Matt and Dani and their crew are still kickin' it up in Seattle. All seems to be well with them. If I have my way I will go and work up there this summer and live with them.

Lets see...Paul and Cammie Jo found an awesome house down in Cedar Hills. It is huge and really cute. There little girl is so cute! She really isn't a baby anymore. she is now a little girl.

Becky and Kurt are ridiculously happy. All of there kids are so cute and sweet. I have never met sweeter children in my life. They are expecting number four in April. I have a feeling that Lily is praying for a girl.

Ben and Maddie are up in Logan until this spring when Ben will graduate and hopefully find a job in Utah. If not its out of state for them so he can get some experience.

Me...I am great. I am up at Utah Sate Majoring in Special Ed. I work in a in a Special Ed class room up there and I love it! I am so happy with my choice in a major. I almost went crazy making a decision.

That is the Family up date for now. Maybe I will write again in a few more months. Hopefully sooner!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Life picks up after the 4th!

Well we are all gearing up for the up coming weeks. Mom and I go to stake girls camp next week, we are excited...Kinda. Mom is stake camp corrdinator and I am incharged of crafts. It should be fun. Matt and Dani and the crew are coming down from Rexburg this weekend, that will be a blas. I miss those kids more than anything. Sidney will be excited to see Uncle Paul, she has a picture of him that she carries around. When she misplaces it and then finds it again she hugs it to her chest and exclaims "Uncle Paul!". SO... life will be getting CRAZY around here! We are all really excited! We miss Matt and Dani and there kids so much! We love it when they come to visit. It is really cool though to be able to say to people, "My brother works for Nintendo!" You all know you are jealous! Our whole family hopes you all have a wonderful, fun, and safe 4th of July!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

One of those CRAZY sunday's!

So today has been a bit of a rush. Mom and Dad left at 7:15 am for a 7:30 meeting at WRA. So Paul and I were on our own. I got up at 8:15 and started to get ready, I was going to go to Mom and Dads new branch and hear them speak. I was planning on asking Paul if he wanted to come with me. As I rushed up stairs ( because at this point it was 8:55) Paul was just getting out of the shower. So I went to the WRA branch alone. Mom and Dad's talks were great!
Later in the day Mom and I went to hear one of our Neighbors give his homecoming talk.
I was tired when the meeting started. Which didn't help with the coming story, I was a little muddle brained.
When we got home we ate dinner...after everything was done and over Paul and I decided to divvy up the dishes. So I took clearing the table and loading all of the dishes. Paul chose to clear the counter and clean all of the pots and pans. So I started to do my jobs (right away of course) and Paul sits his butt down in the red chair in the corner of the kitchen. So, an argument ensued because I couldn't to my job without Paul doing his job and of course because we had divided up the jobs I couldn't even touch anything that had to do with one of Paul's jobs. Well, FINALLY Mom did the thing that I needed Paul to do. ( I had thrown a tin foil ball while we were bantering.) I also ended up putting the leftover baked potatos in the fridge even though that was part of Paul's job. See how nice I am?!
Now it was Paul's turn to do his jobs, so sat my butt in the red chair in the corner of the kitchen.
Then Paul started to throw the tin foil ball at me. He Hit me maybe 50% of the time compared to me hitting him only 10% of the time.
All in all it was pretty fun doing the dishes with Paul, better than it would have been by myself. It was fun and we were laughing the whole time. It helped that we were all super tired. Now were are gearing up for chocolate popcorn...Yum!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wow!!Look at all of the weeds

Today Mom and I were out weeding our vegetable garden, mostly the bean row , when I said to her: " Wow, I think this is the most weeds we have ever had!" She cracked up and informed me that this was nothing compared to the days when our garden was literally half of our yard. I don't remember this because I was maybe three. I do remember the time when I knocked the baby birds out of the nest in the field outback and we all dug and burned to look for worms to feed the one surviving bird. I'm pretty sure it died because I don't remember finding any worms or the bird eating anything. This wouldn't have happened if my older brothers hadn't told me that there was a birds nest out there and then told me that a monster would eat me if I went into the field. HI! Like I was going to miss the opportunity to see a whole bunch of baby birds! I blame it all on them.
I also remember Mom making us pull weeds as a punishment. I hated doing that.
Anyway, all of the side story's in this entry were not the point. The point is that I have obviously not worked in the garden for along time to think that the apparent minimal amount of weeds that have sprung up in little clusters all over our garden (according to where the drip line lies) is alot. I have enjoyed the fruit of others labor. Ha, and I liked it! Is that just awful of me to say? I hope not.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Today Mom, Becky and I were sitting outback talking as the kids were playing in the pool. (a $7.99 Reams special. I don't care what you say I love that store!) After maybe two hours the kids got tired of the water and went inside to find further adventures. Mom never used to let us inside while we were wet. Further proof that she has grown soft over the years. We were still sitting out back talking.
After about 10 min Becky looks inside and notices that Lilly has gotten the Parkay Butter spray and is spraying it into Tommy's, Billy's and her mouth. We cracked up! Mostly because it's not like they have ever seen anyone in our family ever do this and Becky's kids could do with the fat. If only it wasn't reduced fat!!
We thought it was hilarious, it made our day!

Monday, June 23, 2008

The life of the Wilson's such as it is.

Hello everyone out there. We have taken over the blog that Matt made about a year ago. Mom and I thought that it would be fun to let all of you know how our crazy lives are going. Well they are going crazy! Mom is out of school for the summer and is working like a machine. I don't know how she does it. She gets more done in a day than most people get done in a week! Dad it great, he just got a new church calling. He is the Branch President of the Girls Ranch branch. He is nervous and a little apprehensive about the job. I think he will be awesome. He really is one of the sweetest men on the face of the planet. I hope he can do some good for the girls who are staying at the Girls ranch. It Is called the West Ridge Academy so we will now call it WRA from now on. I,Helen, am doing wonderful. I am taking classes this summer a Math and a Computer class. I'm not sure why I have decided to torture myself like this goes on. All in all we are great. Paul and Cammie Jo and Raegan are living with us until they find a house to buy or August comes around...which ever comes first, they are doing awesome,they would be doing better if they weren't living at there parents house. Paul landed a job with a company called Cascade engineering solutions. He says he is enjoying it but there are times when he feels like the intern. Cammie Jo has gone down to Arizona for a week and Tulsa for a week to see her parents and to go to her brothers wedding. I think she might be ready for a house, it would be hard to live with your in-laws (Hello!). Raegan is as cute as ever. loves to pull her self up on anything and walk around things. She is one of the happiest babies on the face of the planet. One of her favorite things is to pull the clean and folded laundry out of the basket and then crawl away.
Life is and adventure for all of us right now and we try to take it one step at a time. How hard would it be to take it all at once. This post is forever long. Hopefully the only long one I ever write.